Between The Teeth

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Overlooking The Best of The Best

I visit will folks from many walks of life. I am always trying to understand someone elses views by gaining more knowledge about them or their beliefs. I have to Jehovah Witnesses come for tea once a week. We discuss religion, raising families, and stuggles to live in such a rat race of a society. Many times I may not agree with their views just as they with mine. But we have a pleasant visit non the less.

Just the other day a friend of mine commented on why I would let such dreadful people in my home. Wouldn't I rather have good friends for tea than to waste my afternoon with them.

Well, I thought about that comment, deeply. And than I came to a realization. The Jehovah's are my best friends. And I enjoy sharing my afternoons with them.They are what many friends are not.
They don't ask for me to babysit, hold candle parties, cook them supper, borrow money, or use my lawm mower. They don't comment on my housekeeping, critize my children, complain about my smoking. They don't share my affairs with others, argue with my beliefs, expect birthday cards and gifts, get insulted when I'm too busy to visit.
They don't ask me to dye their hair, pick up milk, or bring dessert to a function.
And what they do will surprise you.
They listen to me vent, they are kind to my children, they bring me books and don't expect them returned, they smile at my jokes, and don't interupt. They ask for nothing of me but some time. They pray for me, and wish me well. They let me read, and don't critize how I spell. They are pacient, and tolerant, kind and caring and truly only come with the intention of helping to make my life better.
Whether or not their belief is the same or different, they are always tring to be a better friend, person, or believer.
What could possibly be so BAD about that? I wish more of my good friend had such respect and compassion.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Simple Realities

I read this in a child's bible. True words of importance.

There may be times when toys seem very important. But in time toys get old, or broken, we even out grow them or eventually throw them out. But there is something we have some much more important. It is your life. It is important because without it you would be unable to do anything. Life is most important, not just our own but those around us. So treasure life, keep it clean, keep it safe, keep it healthy and happy. Life brings us more joy than any toy could ever bring us.

Now the bible quotes,"There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving." Acts 20:35

Now I read this somewhere before, oh yes, in The Readers Digest but in a different form. They have done a study, and found that people that do volunteer work live longer than those who don't. They are also happier, and more content in later years. Therefore I can safely assume that for a long and prosperous life helping others in the sure way to go.

Therefore the fountain of youth lies in the time and effort you give to others around you, not in a bottle of OIL of OLAY.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

A Child's Dream

My daughter dreams often. When she awakes in fright to climb in bed with me, I often ask her to tell me her dream. As to understand their fears and thoughts sometimes the clues are hidden in these nightmares.
It is amazing, the imagination of a child.
Here is her dream.

I was in school and my teacher was reading a story, called The Lone Cat. The story frightened me, and seemed so real.
I was in a room with many different animals, a koala bear,an ostrich, a squirral, and a cat.
There were three closed door in the room, the cat was telling the animals which door to go through. All these animals were my friends.
The cat opened a door and told the koala bear to go in. As the koala went in an Eqyptian Mummy with a kings crown ate the koala bear, and as he did I could see the mummy's teeth crunching on the koala bear.
The cat tricked the koala bear and so the ostrich was angry and went to peck on the cat. As he did so the cat went through a door in the floor and excaped and all the other animals ran away.
When I woke up the rabbit wall paper in my room, was the animals from my dream, so I was scared and came to sleep with you.

I asked her if her teacher had read a scarey book like this.
No, she said, no book.

I was amazed at the details in her dream, and when I looked it up I was surprised to find out some things.

An Ostrich means to struggle with responsibility.
A Cat means conflict in human nature, one devious, one helpful.
A squirral means to be on guard.
A Koala Bear was unlisted.
Doors mean opportunities to make difficult but important decisions.
And if forced to go in, or forced open this states our own protective mechanisms have let us down.
An Egyptain Mummy is to be trapped by old beliefs or ideas from which we need to be set free.

Of course this could also be a six year olds active imagination.
Either way, I find her dreams most interesting.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Birthday Wish

A very Happy Birthday to my daughter, and a few days of rest for me. When your six, parties can take alot out of a person. Although they seem to take very little out of the children. Whom awake the next day, eager to do it all again.

Happy Birthday.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

The Haunting

Lately I have been inquired alot about hauntings. It seems because of my unconventional hobbies that people think I have a greater connection to the spiritual world, and can somehow remove ghosts and qoblins from their homes. I cannot remove your hauntings, as it is my belief that they are a part of you. Therefore you are responsible to them and souly responsible for the experiences they bring to you.

Just as you are responsible to your feelings of guilt, regret, sorrow and fear. Our minds are the control panel for our emotions, and what are hauntings? The feeling of ghosts disturbing the peacefulness of your home. Feeling an erie presents around you.
This is Fear!

Not all people have negative experiences with hauntings and those who feel the spirit in a kind caring matter have no issue with the experience. There is no fear. A loving nature in your personality with the ability to believe in other dimensions will give you a friendly spirit.

To be one who complains of evil spirits and disturbing experiences, one must ask themselves what kind of soul do they have. Could that be a part of your fear of the hauntings?

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