Between The Teeth

Monday, March 28, 2005

Simple Realities

I read this in a child's bible. True words of importance.

There may be times when toys seem very important. But in time toys get old, or broken, we even out grow them or eventually throw them out. But there is something we have some much more important. It is your life. It is important because without it you would be unable to do anything. Life is most important, not just our own but those around us. So treasure life, keep it clean, keep it safe, keep it healthy and happy. Life brings us more joy than any toy could ever bring us.

Now the bible quotes,"There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving." Acts 20:35

Now I read this somewhere before, oh yes, in The Readers Digest but in a different form. They have done a study, and found that people that do volunteer work live longer than those who don't. They are also happier, and more content in later years. Therefore I can safely assume that for a long and prosperous life helping others in the sure way to go.

Therefore the fountain of youth lies in the time and effort you give to others around you, not in a bottle of OIL of OLAY.


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