The Molestation Of Society
Disturbed by the direction society has taken, I found myself with a feeling of lost innocents, and inraged anger. As the years have progressed I feel as though I am being groomed into a victim of molestation. One souly caused from the society in which we live.
You see, grooming is a term used by sexual preditors, it is by grooming, that they creat a level of trust and comfort with their victims. By exposing them to porn, or other unexceptable sexual behavior repeatedly, they lower the victims defences, and creat a level of doubt in their minds about right from wrong. This is why many victims are left feeling a sence of responsibility to the situation and protection to the preditor. Therefore their silence quietly eroded much of their life.
Society is grooming us as individuals in the same manner as a sexual preditor. With the exposure to continued moral chaos and corruption, our tolerance level rises, and silently we continue accepting the unacceptable.
From media manipulation, to religious ideologies, society bombards us with what they hope to groom us into.
Materialism is everywhere, sitcoms push sexual enmpowerment, Micheal Jackson, President Clinton, and others celeberties are getting away with disturbing behavior, because society has groomed our judgement.
We allow our children to watch television, not realizing the unhealthy training feild it provides, we read magazines, watch reality television and absorb the dysfunctional behavior for our entertainment. We are subconciously becoming victims, thus feeling
anger and frustration often leading many of us into a feild of deep depression.
If you read the emotional profile of a molested adult or child you we see a scarey corralation to how many of us feel without the tramatic event every existing. Therefore, we have all, and are all being molested in a subconcious manner leading us into a eroded sence of moral existance?
Disturbed by the direction society has taken, I found myself with a feeling of lost innocents, and inraged anger. As the years have progressed I feel as though I am being groomed into a victim of molestation. One souly caused from the society in which we live.
You see, grooming is a term used by sexual preditors, it is by grooming, that they creat a level of trust and comfort with their victims. By exposing them to porn, or other unexceptable sexual behavior repeatedly, they lower the victims defences, and creat a level of doubt in their minds about right from wrong. This is why many victims are left feeling a sence of responsibility to the situation and protection to the preditor. Therefore their silence quietly eroded much of their life.
Society is grooming us as individuals in the same manner as a sexual preditor. With the exposure to continued moral chaos and corruption, our tolerance level rises, and silently we continue accepting the unacceptable.
From media manipulation, to religious ideologies, society bombards us with what they hope to groom us into.
Materialism is everywhere, sitcoms push sexual enmpowerment, Micheal Jackson, President Clinton, and others celeberties are getting away with disturbing behavior, because society has groomed our judgement.
We allow our children to watch television, not realizing the unhealthy training feild it provides, we read magazines, watch reality television and absorb the dysfunctional behavior for our entertainment. We are subconciously becoming victims, thus feeling
anger and frustration often leading many of us into a feild of deep depression.
If you read the emotional profile of a molested adult or child you we see a scarey corralation to how many of us feel without the tramatic event every existing. Therefore, we have all, and are all being molested in a subconcious manner leading us into a eroded sence of moral existance?
Here Here Crystal.. Very insightful. This is something I have felt for a very long time. Our world continues to tolerate more and more and makes comments about not liking so and so because she's too old fashioned, or "just get with the times already" type of comments. I'd rather be old fashioned than bombareded with the continual drudge and slime that is ever present today. It's the small steps that started it all, as people simply can not fathom anything being done in moderation in our society. it's all or nothing. Let me do whatever.. Freedom.. It's my "right"! etc etc. Too bad that just about everyone except our armed forces has no idea what it is to have to "EARN" our freedom and just how precious our rights truly are. Instead they push push push for more and more, taking things to a level that are ludicrously dangerous for a society to operate in. We see the signs of it coming out all the time. Snipers, school shootings etc..and yet we turn around and forget about it a few weeks afterwards. It's so much easier to pretend none of this is the fault of our own creation. Our own desire to have it all, let it all happen, accept everything, and get everything we want...Thanks for putting these thoughts out so eloquently...Nancie
Anonymous, at 3:24 PM
The molesting society... that's a really intriguing metaphor, Crystal. I think many of us nowadays feel like we are being pushed further and further down a disturbing path.
A question, though - is it really true that society, or the world, is getting worse day by day? Or is it just that we are being bombarded with so much "news", and commentary, and media saturation, that we are getting overwhelmed with all of it?
I think that in a material sense, things are probably better than they ever were. (i.e., average lifespans have doubled, children are more likely than not to live beyond their fifth birthdays, and so on)...
And human morality, I think, doesn't really change - "there is nothing new under the sun". Genocide, rape and murder have been with us since the beginning of time.
What has changed is that now, we get instant access to anything that happens, anywhere in the world. A capsule summary in each day's paper, of all the worst events and most bizarre antics. It's enough to make you lose your sense of perspective, sometimes.
Maybe the solution is to live like the Amish...?
Anonymous, at 2:54 PM
It is nice to see that I am not the only one who feels frustrated with the direction we are heading. Just knowing you are of similiar thought gives me a sence of peace. Thanks for you inspiring feedback.
Unknown, at 10:29 PM
Thanks for commenting,
Yes I agree, the ability to know all has created much of my discontent. I am as much to blame as society is that respect. As the minds curiousity often contributes to the mass market of media information.
Though The Amish...might provide me with a mental holiday. I'm sure I'd find the physical labour abusive.
Society has not changed, but our need to feel ashamed has. We do not apply the "scarlet letter" to those whom have faultured as mush as I feel we once had.
Unknown, at 10:53 PM
Both are excellent points. True we have much more media access available today so we are bombarded continuously... However I agree with Crystal in regards to know Scarlett Letter type of punishment system? There is no consequence to the majority of actions taken today.
Anonymous, at 6:55 AM
I agree with the excellent essay written by Crystal on the molestation of society. I feel, however, that her ideas would find a wider audience if she learned how to spell. It is difficult to take an essay seriously when it is full of spelling errors. Her ideas are timely, and her arguments are compelling. Please, darling, take some writing courses.
Anonymous, at 12:20 PM
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