Here is some interesting views on Nostradamus, and the Woman, some believe to be the true Great Mother.
The prophecies of Nostradamus
The Three Great Mothers
"With a name so timid will she be brought forth
That the three sisters will have the name of destiny;
Then she will lead a great people by tongue and deed,
More than any other will she have fame and renown.
Century 1:76
The timid name of woman will be dispelled and she will be raised to greater importance.
The three sisters of womanhood will find their place in destiny:
Then she will lead a great people by word and deed,
And more than any other she will have fame and renown."
Manuela Dunn Mascetti and Peter Lorie
Nostradamus: Prophecies for Women
(Manuela Dunn Mascetti and Peter Lorie, Nostradamus: Prophecies for Women, Simon & Schuster, 1995, p. 75.)
This quatrain has been interpreted to mean "events resulting from the ‘revolt’ on the part of women of the Seline Movement" but this is definitely not the case. It is precisely here that the foundation of the Holy Spirit lies. Nostradamus' vision of the future (his prophecies) originated from spiritual powers that were similar in some respects to yoga. Nostradamus had somehow stumbled upon the latent spiritual powers existing within all humans; "I emptied my soul, brain and heart of all care and attained a state of tranquility and stillness of mind which are prerequisites for predicting . . ." The powers of this state of mind cannot be comprehended by ordinary humans. Nostradamus extracted Knowledge by intuition, without any reasoning or intellect! This Knowledge was given to him by a Higher Power — nothing was his own.
A power I believe we all have but society has limited our ability to become emptied enough in our day to day existance to be able to truly use our innate intuition.
"There is no need to celibate, become vegetarian, eat kosher food, make pilgrimages, undergo penance, or be restricted by any law of the external Idols. The human species must celebrate life and in total freedom enjoy all their social, physical, emotional, and biological functions, and not become recluses, eunuchs or ascetics that shun society in order to remain 'godly.'" Her Message is that humanity must achieve their greatest spiritual growth while leading a perfectly normal existence, and not holed in monasteries and caves. Her relentless Message to all is this: You must become your own master and be forever free. The Truth must set you free to continue this Eternal Journey of this great Circle of Life.
Sri Satya-rupa Shri Nirmala Devi
Pune, India — October 13, 1988
Some believe Sri Satya-rupa Shri Nirmala Devi is the Women Nostradamus refers to. I do not hold strong to that belief, but do find this paragraph interesting in the subject of organized, and culturally restricting spirituality. Spiritualism is not so complicated but simply a result from a need.
May we all find what we need without complicated extras?
All written bold type is my own, the other is material gathered from the book listed above.
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