On the Menu this week.
This week I was served a bowl of human suffering.
Small bowl, just enough for my mind to carry me to the deep depths of dispair. I watched a movie, "The Notebook." I cried, and thought about life and cried somemore. Now I'd still be crying if it weren't for the reality interuptions of cooking dinner and doing dishes.
Life is not always romantic, entertaining, or funny. It's not always warm, fuzzy and comfortable. Most of the time it's just blah...sometimes down right cruel.
So untill I finish my bowl of suffering, I have nothing uplifting to say. Except maybe next week I'll order a cup full of tickles.
Small bowl, just enough for my mind to carry me to the deep depths of dispair. I watched a movie, "The Notebook." I cried, and thought about life and cried somemore. Now I'd still be crying if it weren't for the reality interuptions of cooking dinner and doing dishes.
Life is not always romantic, entertaining, or funny. It's not always warm, fuzzy and comfortable. Most of the time it's just blah...sometimes down right cruel.
So untill I finish my bowl of suffering, I have nothing uplifting to say. Except maybe next week I'll order a cup full of tickles.
Romantic movies, like "The Notebook" present the usual problem for men and draw for women - (most) women long to know that their spouse would love them as much. However, I've yet to meet a man that is truly that romantic but have met many that would do the same in a similar situation.
But I'm not responding to reflect on how romantic or unromantic my experience has been with men - it's to share something else that touched me. Again from a movie (though not nearly as well written or inspiring as "The Notebook"), a particularly poignant line from the movie, "we don't live here anymore", is the line:
The easiest woman to live with is a woman that feels loved.
On the surface, not that profound. But if you think of it as the easiest person to live with is one that feels loved, it becomes something else.
In just a few short days of putting this into practice, I've found my husband is much easier to live with, my kids are much easier to live with and most of all, I'm much easier to live with.
Anonymous, at 7:41 AM
Well, due to the work I do, I have to say I have a great job. I have not only witnessed one of these great romantic stories, I have seen so many I can no longer count them. Working with people who have Alzheimer Disease or some type of dementia I have witnessed some very sad situations but what makes most of them sad is that the person (many men, many women) is losing their one true love, and they are caring for them like the man in The Notebook.
I am truly blessed to be able to witness close up the abilities of human beings who love each other. It is amazing and I do consider myself not only lucky but privileged to witness the love they have for each other.
All cases are not so loving and those are sad for a different reason. It is human suffering because you lose the person you love, but you still have this body you need to care for. The great moments are when they have these moments of clarity and they do remember the important things in their lives, husband, wife, children...but these moments occur less and less often.
Seeing this "life" on a daily basis has really made me a different person. I try not to take so many things for granted. I try not to make a big deal out of smaller things. I try to love more, hate less. Because someday, we all could be the ones reading our story to the person we love the most and they will not even know it.
Love now, love often, be loved, be easy to live with BUT LIVE NOW!!
Anonymous, at 10:40 PM
I do want to Thank You both. Sometimes it is the little thought or quote that gives one a whole new perspective on life. I have taken that knowledge and applied it and found I'm in love all over again.
Thanks Crystal
Anonymous, at 11:58 AM
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