My Grandma
Everyday people talk about great influences in their lives, special songs, movies, famous actors, or talk show hosts. They say these people affected them, inspired or encouraged them. Well, I may not have a favorite talk show host, or endearing song, but I do have a truly wonderful Grandmother. It is my Grandmother who has filled my life and others with endless amounts of love, inspiration and encouragement. She is my idle, my famous lady.
Growing up she surrounded us kids with magic, the magic of the setting sun, the arrival of a new flower, the song of a hummingbird.
Her home was a treasure in each new hidden discovery, from flowering violets to filled candy jars. The moment she opened the door her arms opened wide with a loving embrace an endless smile and cheerful manner. We loved visiting her, and we knew she loved having us visit.
As I grew older and stuggled with trouble in my teenage years, my Grandmother never faultered. Her arms still open wide, her love still overflowing upon my arrival. It didn't matter if my jeans were torn, my make-up too dark,or my boyfriend was a hippie. She welcomed us all, and noticed no flaws. If I arrived in despair, she would lift my spirits, if I arrived in good cheer she would lift them even higher, this was her magic.
I was not the only one whom felt her magic, felt her love. Soon after Grandmother moved to town, other friends, teenagers, children, and neighbors would fill her home, and upon leaving would carry a special glow.
Grandmother has not been feeling well lately, and I hope to see her soon. Though in the meantime, I just wanted to let everyone know my favorite famous lady. And I am so very proud to say this lady is my Grandmother.
Everyday people talk about great influences in their lives, special songs, movies, famous actors, or talk show hosts. They say these people affected them, inspired or encouraged them. Well, I may not have a favorite talk show host, or endearing song, but I do have a truly wonderful Grandmother. It is my Grandmother who has filled my life and others with endless amounts of love, inspiration and encouragement. She is my idle, my famous lady.
Growing up she surrounded us kids with magic, the magic of the setting sun, the arrival of a new flower, the song of a hummingbird.
Her home was a treasure in each new hidden discovery, from flowering violets to filled candy jars. The moment she opened the door her arms opened wide with a loving embrace an endless smile and cheerful manner. We loved visiting her, and we knew she loved having us visit.
As I grew older and stuggled with trouble in my teenage years, my Grandmother never faultered. Her arms still open wide, her love still overflowing upon my arrival. It didn't matter if my jeans were torn, my make-up too dark,or my boyfriend was a hippie. She welcomed us all, and noticed no flaws. If I arrived in despair, she would lift my spirits, if I arrived in good cheer she would lift them even higher, this was her magic.
I was not the only one whom felt her magic, felt her love. Soon after Grandmother moved to town, other friends, teenagers, children, and neighbors would fill her home, and upon leaving would carry a special glow.
Grandmother has not been feeling well lately, and I hope to see her soon. Though in the meantime, I just wanted to let everyone know my favorite famous lady. And I am so very proud to say this lady is my Grandmother.
Sorry to hear your Grandma is ill... I gather from your Mom and now from you she is a legend in her own time, a very enjoyable lady, a supportive one and one with much to share. Hope she does well and recovers soon.
Desiree, at 10:15 PM
Thank You both, as my Grandmother was a truely wonderful lady. I am sorry to say, she has recently passed. Though my memories will remain always in my heart.
Anonymous, at 12:53 AM
Sorry to hear, Crystal.
Desiree, at 11:39 AM
related you're sure to find unuiqe and useful. The **Christmas** site
Anonymous, at 10:58 PM
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Anonymous, at 2:16 AM
I am doing research for e-books on original gift ideas. That is how I ran into your blog this post. Do you have any brilliant suggestion for a Christmas gift for a teen by any chance? I already have several books done and posted at but I am looking to upgrade some of the ideas for Christmas gifts. Thanks.
Anonymous, at 2:49 PM
Hi crystal,
I am a writer and I research gift ideas for e-books on original gift ideas for Christmas and other events like Valentine's, Easter etc. I also organize gift ideas per receiver, like for babies, for kids, for teens, for grandparents, for dog lovers, for him, for her, etc Or I organize them by category like romantic gifts and inexpensive gifts. In my research I also go through blogs that mention gifts and gift ideas or events like Christmas. That is how I came upon your blog this post. I would appreciate if you would share just one successful gift idea with me, for instance a Christmas gift for a kid. I hope that my question doesn't annoy you. And I apologize if it does. I thought if I'd just ask enough people I'd wind up with plenty of good ideas to share with others again. That is what networking is all about, right? Or let's call it the spirit of Christmas. Let me know if I can do something for you. You can find my free e-books with gift ideas here: God bless.
Chevalier Blanc
Anonymous, at 4:11 AM
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